Most of my posts have been based on conversations i've had with the people I meet. This one is no different. Was at my fav salad place with my friends the other day, conversations were just random until someone started something very interesting.
We are What we Choose to Be
All life, in every aspect of it, we are, what we choose to be, we are the reason for our happiness, our success, our failures and depressions. No one or nothing else, is.
If we really want something we end up getting it, so who is to blame if we are not able to find time to workout. Its a constant fight against ourselves, when a part of us tells us to stay in the couch and munch on the buttery popcorn there sure is another part that is craving to get out there and workout. It screams and shouts from inside but we just CHOOSE to ignore it.
It sure is tough to battle our laziness, it sure is tough to battle to the door past the comfort of the couch or the cold beer etc, but what lies beyond all this is BLISS, the freedom, the taste of victory and the sheer joy of conquering the evil self.
This is a Battle everyone has to fight day in and day out but the happy news is once you have won it a few times it becomes so easy and becomes more of an habit. My Father always said that working out is like holding on to the tail of the tiger, we just cannot let it go. We let it go, it will come back to bite us. So we just have to stay focussed day in and day out and start to enjoy what we do.
Baby Steps
I have heard people say its the laziness, to them and to all others sailing that boat, I have mentioned this a few times already but really dont mind repeating. If you are lazy to get out of your house to workout, just stay home but stay active, do some squats, stretches, just jump or just stand up reach to the sky, then bend down and touch our toes. Just do something.
Baby steps are fine, start slowly get into an active lifestyle. Develop the NEED to be active and healthy, Drink lots of water, about a gallon everyday, eat light, stay active. Even before you realise you could be running your race against the winds. As they say "Where therez a WILL there defenitely are many many many POSSIBILITIES".
Keep fighting the enemy within, I still do, if you let him win, you lose but when he losses you WIN and VICTORY feels soooo damn good.
My own quote of the day "When you workout and eat right you only get Stronger by day not older"
We are What we Choose to Be
All life, in every aspect of it, we are, what we choose to be, we are the reason for our happiness, our success, our failures and depressions. No one or nothing else, is.
If we really want something we end up getting it, so who is to blame if we are not able to find time to workout. Its a constant fight against ourselves, when a part of us tells us to stay in the couch and munch on the buttery popcorn there sure is another part that is craving to get out there and workout. It screams and shouts from inside but we just CHOOSE to ignore it.
It sure is tough to battle our laziness, it sure is tough to battle to the door past the comfort of the couch or the cold beer etc, but what lies beyond all this is BLISS, the freedom, the taste of victory and the sheer joy of conquering the evil self.
This is a Battle everyone has to fight day in and day out but the happy news is once you have won it a few times it becomes so easy and becomes more of an habit. My Father always said that working out is like holding on to the tail of the tiger, we just cannot let it go. We let it go, it will come back to bite us. So we just have to stay focussed day in and day out and start to enjoy what we do.
Baby Steps
I have heard people say its the laziness, to them and to all others sailing that boat, I have mentioned this a few times already but really dont mind repeating. If you are lazy to get out of your house to workout, just stay home but stay active, do some squats, stretches, just jump or just stand up reach to the sky, then bend down and touch our toes. Just do something.
Baby steps are fine, start slowly get into an active lifestyle. Develop the NEED to be active and healthy, Drink lots of water, about a gallon everyday, eat light, stay active. Even before you realise you could be running your race against the winds. As they say "Where therez a WILL there defenitely are many many many POSSIBILITIES".
Keep fighting the enemy within, I still do, if you let him win, you lose but when he losses you WIN and VICTORY feels soooo damn good.
My own quote of the day "When you workout and eat right you only get Stronger by day not older"